
Introduction / Contents

The Next Great Adventure: A True Story

Introduction / Contents

I think I know myself fairly well. I know, for instance, that I lean to the glass half empty side of perception, and that it often takes me a long time to collect data, think things through, and come to some sort of understanding. I know that writing not only forces me to organize my thoughts, but it also gives me an outlet for those thoughts. More importantly, however, in this particular exercise, it has allowed me to share some of my very personal and private thoughts. 

I never would have guessed sharing my personal thoughts would be something I wanted to do. It's funny how things change, how we grow, what becomes important. I began The Next Great Adventure: A True Story as a way to cope with my grief, to come to a personal understanding. As it has progressed I have been contacted by many people who have told me that our story touched them, and so I've been sharing it with friends and family.

The intent was to record the story and do a little introspective mining to help me understand, to get to a more comfortable, less confusing place. The goal was met, at least for me personally. Though the story is unique to our personal history, I think it contains some truths that anyone can apply and understand. At least I hope so. Though the stories may be interesting, please look for the truth you can find in them.

The Sequential Stories

... how we met

... a glimpse into the future

... deciding to get married

.... our first year together

... getting back to our roots, early marriage

... career decisions, role changes

... settling down, making a home

... becoming parents

... finding faith, some regrets

... unexpected riches of a long marriage

... coping with life changes, cancer diagnosis

... the adventure ends

The Background Stories

X Marks the Spot
... the day after she died

... more details on how we met and married on the occasion of our 30th anniversary

... my thoughts after the initial cancer treatments

... the story of my baptism - key to much of the truth in the sequential stories

... another key

... from Cindy's memorial service

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